Remove icloud ios 9.3.1 activated Iphone, ipad , ipod
Remove icloud from ios 9.3.1 on activated Iphone, ipad , ipod
Good news, It is still possible to restore your iphone to remove icloud with FMI ON. After several tests with many backups I realized is there only one version that does not allow restore or inject backup on iphone with icloud on. The version ios 8.4 not allow restore backup, otherwise all other firmware versions YES you can restore other backup without icloud using the method the video describe just need backup and itunes works on mac and windows. if you have a recent version of iOS and want to remove the icloud you must have your idevice activated and then just simply use a backup for the process. you can download a backup without icloud and FMI off on the webpage You can upgrade via OTA only (Over the air) old icloud will still be ON in APPLE icloud activation servers. The idevice will full work with new icloud.BACKUP 1
Remove icloud ios 9.3.1 activated Iphone, ipad , ipod
Reviewed by xdark21
8:27 AM

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